ET201B/GSM have remote location, remote monitoring, two-way communication, remote center locked, remote fuel control, vibration alarm. Anti-Steal alarm, custom alarm etc. More powerful. Higher relevance. Especially suitable for logistics vehicles, mortgage vehicles, business vehicles, private vehicles etc. Users can real-time manage and control vehicle by computer or mobile phone.
Master No. And Authorize No.:
Only authorized number of tracking device before they can locate and control. Absolutely guarantee the safety of vehicles. Automatically upload data like vehicle location data, hardware information (such as the ACC state, the state of the door, voltage of vehicle battery, driver time, etc. ). (Can be set by time or by distance upload data)
Remote Listen in:
External high sensitivity microphone. Users can monitor the car remotely via phone.
Two-way communication:
Owner or monitor can talk with driver in the vehicle.
Remote Fuel control:
Tracking device with a vehicle-specific fuel control installation. When abnormal occur. User can control fuel of vehicle by computer or mobile phone. So that vehicle can not continue running.
Remote Center lock:
User can remote control vehicle's center lock, locked and unlocked the door
Tracking device with an emergency alarm button. Can be installed on the cover. When the event of an emergency.
Press the button will send alarm to monitoring Center and to authorize No.
OverSpeed Alarm:
Tracking device can detect vehicle's speed. If vehicle's speed exceed setting of device.
It will send the alarm to monitoring center and authorized No...
Towing Alarm:
Towing means a vehicle in the parking because of the movement caused by external forces(such as the police towing). Tracking device can detect that...
It will send the alarm to monitoring center and authorized No...
Parking Alarm:
User can set the maximum parking time. If a vehicle exceeds setting,
It will send the alarm to monitoring center and authorized No...
Tried Driver Alarm:
In order to the security needs of the driver, it can configured driver time. If the driver did not rest over time
It will send the alarm to monitoring center and authorized No...
Main power off alarm:
If the illegal removal of tracking device from vehicle
It will send the alarm to monitoring center and authorized No...
Anti-Steal Alarm:
In Armed state. If someone trespass
It will send the alarm to monitoring center and authorized No...(Can be compatible with the original car alarm system).
Low power alarm:
If vehicle battery voltage is too low.
It will send the alarm to monitoring center and authorized No...
Vibration alarm:
Tracking device have Vibration sensors, when the vehicle is shaken,
It will send the alarm to monitoring center and authorized No...
Custom alarm:
Tracking have two custom input, the user can self-selected alarm input signal...
When the user set a 1km(optional) circle with the current position as center. When the vehicle left the circle area, device will send alarm
Particular Function:
Without computer, user can got detailed address from tracking device by mobile phone.
In the absence of GPS signal. Use GSM network positioning.
Custom Development:
Products can be customized according to your request and support solution of product include hardware and software.
Welcome you to contact us!
6x Input ACC/ SOS / Door Check/Vibration sensor/custom 1/ custom 2
3x Output Fuel Control/center lock/center unlock
Communication: GSM / GPRS (900/180 or /850/1900)
Positioning accuracy: 5m~10m